PASTEL Rose Bouquet
Never goes wrong with roses. And it is even more perfect with it comes to red roses. This bouquet is designed with tender touch by our florist, with every stalk of roses are covered with shining net. Finally, the roses are wrapped in a bouquet with butterfly-designed Korean wrapping style.
Flower Meanings of PASTEL Rose Bouquet
Sending this bouquet symbolizes the expression of passionate love towards your loved ones. Not only that, the recipient will certainly feel your sincerity and generosity.
Perfect for Occasion
PASTEL Rose Bouquet is certainly your best choice of bouquet to surprise girlfriend, wife, friends, family members or your loved ones. Besides, you will never go wrong with roses as it suit any special occasion, for instance:
- Love & Romance
- Anniversary
- Birthday
- Friendship
- Gratitude
- Valentine’s Day
Care Instruction for PASTEL Rose Bouquet
At SweetLife & Co. Florist Penang, we wrap this bouquet with imported red roses.
The average lifespan is around 3-5 days with the right flower care. Most importantly, remember to keep it away from sunlight and heat. Other than that, you are advice to keep it hydrated by adding water every alternate day.
Once the roses started to dry, you can certainly keep it as dried flower bouquet decoration at any corner of your house. Do not throw it away ya!
Online Flower Delivery Available for PASTEL Rose Bouquet
Order today before 4pm and get same day delivery! But for a well-planed occasion, we advice you to order early to secure this bouquet.
Online flower delivery available in Penang. See our wide delivery coverage here.
Flower Delivery Penang by Best Florist in Penang | SweetLife & Co. Florist Penang
We believe every flower bouquet only come perfect with surprise delivery. Our flower delivery team in Penang will ensure this bouquet will reach it lucky recipient on time and the location provided by the sender. Besides that, we promise to keep the sender name confidential to the recipients (unless you wrote it in our message card). We know you have your own element of surprise in flower gifting.
Flowers for every occasion
Our creative florist in Penang Georgetown offer a variety of flower arrangements to cater for any occasion. Whether it’s a birthday, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, wedding/ROM, an anniversary, business grand opening, graduation, get well or even someone who has gone through a difficult time, we have the perfect flowers to make them feel loved and appreciated. You can choose from our range of flower bouquets, preserved flowers boxes, bell jar and bouquet as well as gifts which vary in budget and style. Check out more flowers and gifts from SweetLife & Co. Florist Penang online flower store.
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