JACQUELYN Graduation Flower Bouquet


– Sunflowers (2 stalks)
– Pink and Lilac Roses (9 – 10 stalks)
– Ping Pong Flowers with Graduation Hat (7 stalks)
– Mixed with Baby Breath, Carnations, Trachymenes and Oxypetalum.

Approx. 60cm (H) x 60cm (W)

– Order before 3:30pm for same day graduation flower delivery
– Available for flower delivery in Penang

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JACQUELYN Graduation Flower Bouquet

Either you are celebrating your graduation or for your loved one, our stunning mixed flower bouquet is the stylish way to commemorate your graduation day.

JACQUELYN Graduation Flower Bouquet is a mixed bouquet features a beautiful array of fresh and vibrant flowers such as sunflower, pink roses, lilac roses, ping pong flowers, trachymenes, and many more that are carefully selected by our expert florists that symbolise the joy and excitement of this special moment.


Graduation Mixed Bouquet Made Affordable with SweetLife & Co.

Our aim is to make flower bouquet affordable for everyone, and of course, with great value and quality. With these combination of beautiful colours and thoughtful symbolism in JACQUELYN Graduation Flower Bouquet, you can get variety of different types of flowers in this bouquet. So why wait? Order our mixed graduation flower bouquet today and celebrate this lifetime achievement in style!


Best Florist for Graduation Flower Bouquet

Our team of expert florists have years of experience creating beautiful and unique flower arrangements for all types of occasions, including graduations. Each graduation flower bouquet is carefully crafted by hand, using only the freshest and highest quality flowers available. Our florists are trained to select the perfect combination of flowers and colours to create a bouquet that is both stunning and meaningful.

In addition, our florists pay close attention to every detail, ensuring that each bouquet is arranged to perfection. Whether you choose one of our classic designs or a custom creation, you can trust that our team will deliver a truly exceptional product that will make your loved one’s graduation day even more special.

Flower Care Tips for Your Graduation Flower Bouquet

  • Keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight and heat sources. 
  • Best to keep them in cool environment. If you intend to use the bouquet for next day, we highly recommend to keep in air-conditioning room or fridge.
  • Add half cup of water every 2 days to keep the flowers hydrated.
  • If there are any petals (especially for rose and eustoma) starting to wilt, you may remove the wilted outer petals.
  • With proper care, your graduation flower bouquet will last for several days, allowing you or your loved one to enjoy its beauty and symbolism long after graduation day has passed.