UNICORN Baby Breath Bouquet
Looking for popular flowers apart from roses? If that is the case, you are definitely looking at the right bouquet. This baby breath bouquet comes in a combination of perfectly blend colours, creatively design by our Penang florist team.
The Flower Meanings of Unicorn Baby Breath Bouquet
Baby Breath, as it name speaks, it resembles a little baby. In Mandarin, it is called 满天星, translated as “million stars”. Baby breath symbolize purity, everlasting love, compassion, trust and romance.
Such a meaningful flower comes with our creative florist in Penang to accent it with pink, blue and purple colour.
Well, Unicorn Baby Breath Bouquet has unique meaning. Whoever send this bouquet to loved ones, he/she definitely bound to make someone day joyful and colourful.
Perfect for Occasion
UNICORN BABY is certainly your best choice of bouquet to surprise girlfriend, wife, friends, family members or your loved ones. Besides, you will never go wrong with baby breath bouquet as it suit any special occasion, for instance:
- Anniversary
- Love & Romance
- Birthday
- Friendship
- Gratitude
- Cheer up someone
- Graduation
Care Instruction for Unicorn Baby Breath Bouquet
This baby breath bouquet is easy to maintain and suitable to display at any corner of your home.
Unlike other bouquets, these baby’s breath can be dried, enabling them to last forever! Not only that, the colours will still maintain even when it dried. Definitely the ideal bouquet to keep as sweet memory!
Remember to keep it away from sunlight and heat.
Same Day Flower Delivery Available for Unicorn Baby Breath Bouquet
Order today before 4pm and get same day delivery! But for a well-planed occasion, we advice you to order early to secure this bouquet.
Flower Delivery Penang by Best Florist in Penang | SweetLife & Co. Florist Penang
We believe every flower bouquet only come perfect with surprise delivery. Our flower delivery team in Penang will ensure this bouquet will reach it lucky recipient on time and the location provided by the sender. Besides that, we promise to keep the sender name confidential to the recipients (unless you wrote it in our message card). We know you have your own element of surprise in flower gifting.
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